
Me. The Rider

Somewhere along the way, I got hooked on endurance events.  It started as my way of dealing with an incredibly stressful job in the mid 2000s and just kind of became a lifestyle.  There have been many marathons, an Iron Man (one was enough), long-distance bike treks, extended swims, and lots of long hikes.  I find peace and inspiration in the solitude, and won't lie, I marvel at what a 58-year-old body can accomplish. Being outdoors is everything. When I get stuck inside, I consider it a wasted day. (…Don’t believe any of that. I just do this, so I can eat anything I want.)

I used to help manage B2B data and analytics companies. I'm just me now…Tish's husband and Lexie and Bailey's dad.

Tish. The Chief Operating Officer

The love of my life.  I get happy just looking at her.  She did not sign up for any of my nonsense, but she's been incredibly supportive and patient.  I'm so grateful.  Tish will be driving the van ahead of me on most days and squaring away lodging and other details.  I'm painfully aware she'll have down periods and hope she's not too bored along the way.  There is upside for her though. She gets to pick all of the vacations for the next 3 years, and she’ll get nothing but eager cooperation from me. She used to launch rockets (no kidding) which was unbelievably cooler than hawking data.  Now, she does a lot of volunteer work at the San Diego Zoo Safari Park and Zoo.

Our (1987) wedding song was "Follow You. Follow Me”. If only we knew at the time…

Bailey. The Technical Consultant and House Sitter

Our son was a huge help in designing what you’re reading right now. I really appreciate the time and thought he put in.  He'll likely have to put more time in as I run into technical difficulties on the road.  Oh yeah.  To all you bad guys out there trying to figure out where we live so you can steal all our stuff while we're away for 4 months, think again.  Bailey is house sitting.

One other thing for my SP-F friends. If the surrounds in this picture look familiar, they should. It was taken at the Scotchwood Diner at around 1:00 a.m. after Bails and I got back to the Plains from a Mets game. The kid loves the diner. He does not like taking pictures. Hence, the face.


Lexie. The Inspiration Contributor

Lexie has not let diabetes stand in the way of leading a very full life. She’s accomplished a lot in her 25 years. Last year, she married Connor—a great guy who she met in 4th grade. She also earned a degree in Zoology from Cal Poly Humboldt in 2019. I like to say she minored in perseverance, given her tenacity in tackling a very hard curriculum. Lexie is also one of the more interesting people you’ll meet. She’s an artist, a lover of bugs (since the time she could walk), and a regular D&D player.

Lexie and Connor live near Corvallis, OR with our grand-dog Gravy. Lexie is a veterinarian’s assistant, and Connor is a software developer in the gaming industry. They’re just starting out, but they’re starting well.